Library Services
Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences Library is located in Campus House (Kampustalo) on the 0-floor. The main entrance to the library is by the C0 door. The library and Tapio-Sali have facilities for independent and group work. You can check the library’s opening hours on SeAMK-Finna’s website and contact info on library’s website.
SeAMK Library is open to everyone. The library provides printed and electronic books, journals and databases for study, teaching and research. The library offers textbooks, research publications and other resources you need for your studies.
The SeAMK-Finna web service allows you to search for printed and electronic books and journals, as well as theses and e-resources. You can also make reservations and renew loans. Activate a digital library card in Tuudo.
As a student at SeAMK, you can also access library’s e-resources on your computer and mobile devices. E-books, e-journals and articles are a great advantage in your studies.
You will need good information-seeking skills for your studies at the university. Library’s information specialists teach information seeking skills for the students at SeAMK. Learning information seeking skills is included in your curriculum. The aim is for students to learn how to use the main sources of information in their field, as well as library and information services.
Library staff will help you use the library and find information. You can find answers to the most frequently asked questions in the FAQ section.