Study practices | Opinto-opas

Study practices

Students are entitled to complete the studies leading to a UAS degree in a chosen field of study as defined in the degree programme and respective curriculum and in the UAS Degree Regulations. Student’s Personal Curriculum is based primarily on the curriculum of the academic year during which they began their studies. The curriculum is revised each academic year, which may cause changes in the courses offered in a given degree programme.

Degree Regulations

The general regulations and guidelines for courses, studying and degrees are available in the Degree Regulations of Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences. The Degree Regulations are a document each student should become familiar with. The Degree Regulations for Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences are available on the Intranet of SeAMK, under Studying at SeAMK.

Study entitlement

Students have the right to pursue studies leading to a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in a university of applied sciences in the manner laid down in the degree regulations and cur-riculum of the university of applied sciences. The scope of studies is based on ECTS cred-its. The average amount of work required during an academic year to complete the stud-ies, 1,600 hours, is equivalent to 60 ECTS credits.

Normative duration of studies refers to the time in years equivalent to the scope of the studies i.e., 210 ECTS credits is equivalent to 3.5 years and 240 ECTS credits to 4 years. The maximum duration of studies for a degree is one year more than the normative duration.

Assessment of studies

The assessment of studies is part of the learning and teaching process, the purpose of which is to measure how well students have achieved the objectives of the studies. Assessment involves oral or written examinations, assignments, or it is done using other methods of assessment. In addition to the assessment of knowledge (depending on the curriculum), it also includes an observation-based assessment of attitudes and working methods. 

Students are primarily graded according to the following numerical scale:

  • Excellent: 5
  • Good: 4 to 3
  • Satisfactory: 2 to 1
  • Failed: 0 

Courses may also be graded on a pass/fail basis. 

The Assessment Scale of 1 to 5

The assessment scale of 1 to 5 was made in accordance with the table below. It is also used to assess competencies based on previously acquired competencies.

Fail (0) Fair (1-2) Good (3-4) Excellent (5)
Knowledge The student’s knowledge does not meet the learning goals. The student knows the basics in accordance with the goals and is able to utilize them in work assignments. The student’s knowledge meets the learning goals well, and the student is able to assess what they have learnt. The student is able to analyze connections between things they have learnt. The student has deep and extensive knowledge of the matters defined in the learning goals. The student is able to give reasons for and to assess the theories, key concepts, methods and principles related to the content of the course.
Skills The student’s skills do not meet the learning goals. The student has the sufficient basic skills in accordance with the learning goals and is able to successfully perform work assignments related to the field of the course. The student has good skills in accordance with the learning goals and is able to perform work assignments related to the field of the course, as well as to apply what they have learnt in new situations. The student’s actions show an ability to see the big picture. The student has excellent skills in accordance with the learning goals and shows the critical assessment of situations, an ability to apply and find solutions in new situations, and to develop new courses of action.
Attitudes The student has an unrealistic understanding of their own knowledge. Their action shows immaturity and superficial thinking. The student shows interest in the subject area and willingness to try in their action. The student is aware of a need to develop their own action and observes opportunities to develop their work. The student shows insight and analytical skill. The student has initiative and is able to apply in practice what they have learnt, as well as to improve their own action and that of their work community. The student shows commitment to the development of the professional field.

The Assessment Scale Pass/Fail

If the assessment scale is “Pass”/”Fail”, Pass equals at least the level “Fair”.

The Assessment registration

Grades for assignments, exams, etc. are assessed and entered into the transcript database within one month of the completion of the assignment/exam. However, the grades for studies completed during the summer months (June and July) can be entered into the database in September.

Students are entitled to know the assessment criteria applied to the assessment of their studies. The study attainments are kept for at least twelve (12) months after the results have been announced. Students dissatisfied with their grades may request rectification from the teacher who gave the grade and, if necessary, from the Examination Board.

Course records in Peppi

Through the Peppi student interface of the Pepi study administration system, students can register as students, follow the progress of their studies and register for courses.  See instructions for using Peppi Student’s Desktop at Jelppari website.

Course codes

Every course offered at Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences has its own course code. Students may need these codes e.g. when registering for courses. There may be several courses available under the same title but with different course codes. The student will find the course meant for them based on the code in their personal curriculum and on their group code.

Graduating and Degree certificate

Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences gives the student a Degree Certificate of the Degree they have earned. To earn a Degree, the student shall have completed and passed all the studies included in their Degree.

The student submits an electronic application when all the required studies have been completed and the other related obligations have been fulfilled. The application shall be submitted during the student’s study entitlement period, and the student shall have registered as attending during the semester in question.

The processing period for the Degree Certificate is 30 days from the reception of the application, provided that all the study attainments required by the Degree have been duly completed and registered. Degree Certificates are not delivered to students in July and at the turn of the year, during weeks 52–1.

A student graduating from a Degree Programme taught in Finnish receives a Finnish Degree Certificate together with an English translation. A student graduating from a Degree Programme taught in English receives a Degree Certificate with the same content both in Finnish and in English. A double-degree student attending a Double-degree Programme taught in Finnish receives a Degree Certificate with the same content both in Finnish and in English.

Every student receives a Diploma Supplement in English, which is an appendix to the Degree Certificate. The Diploma Supplement contains a description of the Finnish educational system and a description of the level of the Degree in the framework of Degrees and other knowledge, as well as a description of the student’s own field of study and Degree Programme. The student’s English Transcripts of Records are part of and an appendix to the Diploma Supplement.

During their studies, students can request an official Transcript of Records at the Peppi Student’s Desktop or at the Student Services.