Language courses | Opinto-opas

Language courses

Language and communication studies at Seinäjoki UAS

The aim of the language and communications studies at Seinäjoki UAS is to:

  • provide students with solid skills in their mother tongue and at least English and Swedish.
  • ensure that students’ language skills fulfil the needs of the working world.
  • provide students with an understanding of various cultures and the knowledge they need to work in multicultural environments.
  • motivate students to constantly develop their language and communication skills.

Language studies

The language and communication studies also  help students in coping with situations where expertise is needed and with the challenges posed by the globalising working world.

Students at Seinäjoki UAS may study English, Swedish, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, as well as Finnish and Swedish language and culture and Finnish as a second language.

All the students enrolled at the university may attend the optional language courses. See Free-elective studies for the course information at SeAMK Study Guide. While on a mobility period, students can also utilize the language course supply of the receiving institution.

There are also online language courses available. Information pertaining to these courses is available under the descriptions of the language courses. Students can also attend online language courses offered by other universities (cross-institutional studies). However, the attendance must be agreed in advance with the study counsellor.

KiVANET-network offers web-based language studies to higher education students. Further information on KiVANET courses can be found at Kivanet website.

At the Seinäjoki Adult Education Centre (see), the students have the option to study languages, which are not offered by SeAMK. Students pay the course fees of the Adult Education Centre themselves. Before enrolling in a language course at the Adult Education Centre, students should discuss the option of credit transfer with the study counsellor.

SeAMK Language Services

The purpose of the SeAMK Language Services is to

  • create opportunities for high-quality language teaching and a wide range of languages from which students may choose.
  • assist the UAS staff in issues relating to translations and language consulting
  • help with language and communication training for the staff
  • promote the connections between the UAS and the working world.

We serve students and staff by offering:

  • information about the languages offered at Seinäjoki UAS.
  • language studies as needed, e.g. rarely taught languages.
  • Finnish and Swedish instruction for foreign students.
  • Preparatory Swedish and English courses to support the compulsory language courses.

Frami F, Kampusranta 11
3rd floor, room 322
FI-60320 Seinäjoki

Heli Simon
Language Team Leader, Senior Lecturer in German
Tel: +358 (0)40 830 4129